ul. Zarzewie 12, 05-830 Nadarzyn, Polska
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+48 22 299 7656

Conformance Tests

Tests performed to confirm the conformance of product properties with the essential characteristics declared by supplier. E.g. conformance testing of products delivered to job site prior to installation.

Performance Tests

Tests carried out to confirm the product performance, often following a change in product formulation or change in application conditions. Usually performed for manufacturers or suppliers.

Initial Type Tests

lnitial tests performed for/by manufacturers before issuing a declaration of product performance. These tests are required for CE marking.

Factory Production Control

Tests performed as part of routine factory production control, outsourced to TRI by geosynthetics manufacturers.

Welcome to TRI Europe

Independent geosynthetics

TRI Europe is a geosynthetics laboratory providing wide range of services from testing to consulting.

Deep understanding of geosynthetic products is the center of our interests. We keep up to date with pertinent European regulations.

We are a part of

TRI Environmental

Geosythetics Testing

Physical Properties

Important for the classification of products and for products performance

Hydraulic Properties​

Critical for the hydraulic performance of all drainage and filtration products 

Mechanical Properties

The essence of all reinforcing and stabilizing products. Required for all CE marked geosynthetics


Confirmation of product durability/endurance to meet project expectations as much as requirements of EU harmonized standards